The American Academy of Pediatrics provides this helpful reference page for parents on any medical or developmental related parenting question.
A partner of Mt. Spokane Pediatrics, Maddie’s Place is a 501(c)3 non-profit, free-standing recovery nursery for babies experiencing withdrawal due to prenatal substance exposure.
NHTSA Car Seat Safety Information
Ensure you child is properly restrained when traveling in the car.
CDC Recommended Vaccine Schedule
Immunization schedule and facts.
Car Seat Safety Check
Schedule a free car seat safety check with a certified technician at Sacred Heart Medical Center!
Information regarding medication safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
Breastfeeding information, including how to’s, troubleshooting, introducing solids, sleep advice, and more.
Amount and Schedule of Formula Feedings
Tips for feeding from birth through 6 months.
Safe Kids Worldwide
Safety tips for your children from birth through teens.
ADHD from
ADHD and your child. Diagnosis, treatment, and management, including helpful advice for communication, homework, and daily routines.
Newborn Care: Care for an Uncircumcised [Intact] Male
Proper care and hygiene for your new baby boy.
Tylenol Dosage Chart
Motrin Dosage Chart
Dosing tables for Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Motrin (ibuprofen) from the St. Louis Children’s Hospital.