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Foster Care Center of Excellence

As Designated by Coordinated Care

Mt. Spokane Pediatrics is proud to be partnered with Coordinated Care, which provides healthcare coverage across Washington state in every county. Coordinated Care’s commitment to connecting individuals to the services they need, with a focus on whole-person care, aligns with Mt. Spokane Pediatrics’ belief that each child deserves access to the best care.

Through our partnership working with Coordinated Care, Mt. Spokane Pediatrics earned the designation of Foster Care Center of Excellence by Coordinated Care. Our commitment to serving our foster care populations with the highest level of compassion and care is strengthened through this partnership. Together, Mt. Spokane Pediatrics and Coordinated Care are working to break down barriers and ensure every individual experiencing foster care has access to high-quality healthcare services.

Being a Foster Care Center of Excellence means Apple Health Core Connections members can visit Mt. Spokane Pediatrics as needed or as a Primary Care Provider.

If you have any questions about our services, please call 509-270-0065.